Monday, May 6, 2013

Slingshot and Positive news

Slingshot and Positive News

Hearing about the process and techniques of Sling Shots design and printing processes was extremely interesting to me. Their process seems old school and a little outdated but that possibly could be the appeal and personality of this printing. Being interested in fine arts and illustration, I found their design and collage like technique fun and exciting in a different unique sort of way. Their illustration on their planner distracted me for a little while during the lecture because I have such a different style drawing I was intrigued with what the artists sketched were and how they came up with them.
It was nice to see that a company run by people who are passionate about what they do and do it for free, is successful. It is rare to find a printing company that is as intact as Sling Shot is. In this day and age of technology printing is becoming an obsolete things. You can see so many companies that used to be print suffering from this change like magazines, newspapers, and even books. They are transitioning to screen and app interface means. I was sad to see this era arrive, even though it was bound to happen, because I personally have an enjoyment of turning a page or the smell of new books.
That being said the Designer in me finds that the process and means, which Sling shots uses to develop their prints can and probably should be updated. I say this because I feel that it would make their output faster and more efficient. Even though part of their identity is the intimate and tedious work they put into each print I feel they can still hold on to that style but make a better profit. All this being said Slings Shots ability to stay alive and popular has a huge part to do with their location. San Francisco is a unique city full of people who are drawn to that sort of company and product. While I am not one of them I can see where the appeal lies for those who are into their style and their beliefs.

Positive new was such a great company to see and hear about. The world, especially the US, need more new like this to take away from all the dramatized new of NBC or FOX. I hardly turn the news on now because every story is that of suffering, violence, or politics. These things are important to know and understand, but they way which they are portrayed and written about consumes our lives and creates a bias view of what the world is like. Positive News should be incorporated into every news station and paper, society need to see that more good things happen out there than bad. That though people are starving, there people finding solutions or doing good deeds to help. Though their designs are simple and a little under developed their concept is strong and something that has been called for during the last decade which we have been in war.

These two industries share the common characteristic of being non-profit. Being a designer it is interesting to hear about how none profits work. For a long time I always though it must be hard to work at one because you have to make a living. Now however I see that if you are passionate enough it is worthwhile.

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